Monday 8 September 2008

The vet slapped Pilgrim as hard as he could to make him move and said that he had to help himself. Nothing happened so I got the lead rope and tried to lift him up myself. There were eventually five of us pushing and shoving at this huge horse to get him up. Eventually he did lift his head and then dragged himself up. Never has there been such a cheer for a horse standing up!! We had to keep him walking round for as long as possible so that he could pass as much wind as possible. After about 15 mins of walking around he appeared a lot better and wanted to eat! The vet said that the morphine would last for about 4 hours or so and that he might get ill again when that wore off. Angela decided that she would sleep in the school with him just to make sure he was OK. He did actually get ill again in the middle of the night and she had to send for the vet – more expense.

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