Monday 8 September 2008

Pilgrim Arrives

While I was in Ireland with my best friend I got a text saying that the horse would be arriving and could I think of a name for “my” horse. Ruth and I were looking at the Book of Kells at the time and I decided that a good name would be Arculf, who had been a pilgrim from Gaul. I was still in Dublin when he arrived and Angela told me that she thought Arculf was a bit of a classy name for the horse that had arrived so we decided on Pilgrim. When I went to see the horse I knew what she meant!!! My 16h 5 year old cob is in actual fact a 17 3h, 4 year old Percheron (French equivalent to an English shire horse). He has the biggest head on a horse I have ever seen and massive legs and feet. Fortunately he is quite gentle and non-aggressive just ENORMOUS! He tends to stand on your feet and walk into you just because he is a teenage and isn’t quite sure where his feet are himself!

1 comment:

Angela said...

He is now due back fully trained.Well behaved from the horse whisperer ! I bet .