Tuesday 23 September 2008

Horse Care

So I've now been talked into enrolling on an NVQ course on horse care. Probably have to have insurance for that as well!

Went today for my yard induction and first riding lesson in many years. Didn't actually do too badly I don't think. We were given a talk on health and safety, risk assessments and the like and then given a tour of the riding stables and a quick look at some of the horses.

Had to go out into the field with a few others to catch the horse that I was riding and bring him back into the stable yard. Then my first lesson on how to care for the horse. I had to brush him to get all the mud off, pick all the mud out of his feet and then tack him up with saddle and bridle. It's quite some time since I did that but I managed.

Then we went into the school for a riding assessment. Don't think I did too badly but I didn't think I should canter on my first ride for about 10 years. Just had a walk and a trot. My horse was very nice, much more responsive than Pilgrim. At least he did walk and trot when I asked him too.

Afterwards we watched how you are supposed to lunge a horse, then came home and mucked our own horses out.

Who needs to go to the gym!

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